Akil & Friends In The Press


WGN NEWS: PAYING FOR COLLEGE [Interview] May 10, 2022

"The prestige or the cost of the college has almost nothing to do with the quality of the education... Families have to consider what is worth it to them, and what they're willing – and able – to pay for different types experiences." Getting In! host Akil Bello stopped by WGNTV to talk about the current state of college finances and what families can do to prepare for their children's academic future.


WGN NEWS: GETTING INTO COLLEGE [Interview] March 1, 2022

“Helping your child get into college can be stressful and overwhelming. You’re asking yourself ‘Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing enough? How else can I prepare?’ Akil Bello is an Education Advocate and Admissions Expert, he joins us live…”